成为英国Verivide与M&S(Mark and Spencer)供应链 Ultraview LED对色灯箱于大中华地区与越南之独家代理
Become the sole agent of Verivide(UK) Ultraview LED Cabinet and M&S(Mark and Spencer) supply chian and inGreat China and Vietnam

成功将Lenzing Instruments PROMPT OLO, DEFECT VIEW在线纱线缺陷照相系统引进大中华市场 Introduce Lenzing Instruments PROMPT OLO online sensor and DEFECT VIEW into great China market. |
成为英国SDC Enterprise于越南之一級代理 Become the agent of SDC Enterprise(UK) in Vietnam |  
| 2018
成为英国SATRA Technology于台湾之独家代理 Become the exclusive agent of SATRA Technology(UK) in Taiwan |
成为美国Labsphere UV-2000于台湾之独家代理 Become the exclusive agent of Labsphere UV-2000 (USA) in Taiwan |   |
| 2017
成为加拿大C-THERM于大中华区总代理 Become the authorized agent of C-THERM (Canada) in Great China |
成为英国Verivide于中国、越南一級代理 Become the authorized agent of Verivide (UK) in Great China and Vietnam |   |

| 2016
于胡志明市正式成立高逸越南 GOIN International Vietnam is established in HCM City |
为了加强华南市场服务,于泉州成立全逸贸易南方办事处 The southern branch office of GOIN Shanghai is established in Fujian |

 | 2015
成为英国SDC Enterprise于大中華地區之一級代理 Become the agent of SDC Enterprise(UK) in Great China |
成为美国喷丝板检测系统Aspex Incorporated之独家代理 Become the exclusive agent of Aspex Incorporated (USA) |

| 2014
成为美国舒适度热感仪器Thermetrics总代理 Become the exclusive agent of Thermetrics (USA) |
成功将Lenzing Instruments PROMPT FFD在线毛丝侦测系统引进中国市场 Introduce and sell Lenzing Instruments PROMPT FFD online sensor into China |  
| 2011
将Lenzing Technik高黏度介质过滤器Visocfil,率先引进中国市场
Introduce and sell Lenzing Technik Filter - Viscofil for high viscosity in China |
成为奥地利蓝精科技(Lenzing Technik)过滤器设备于中国之总代理,为大中华地区客户服务 Become the exclusive agent of Filter and Equipment of Lenzing Technik (Austria) in China |  

| 2006
为了加强华东地区客户服务,于上海浦东成立「全逸贸易(上海)有限公司」 GOIN International (Shanghai) Co., Ltd is established in Shanghai |
成为德国Forensic Technology于之总代理 Become the exclusive agent of Forensic Technology (Germany) |

| 2000
与瑞士宝利特(Polytex)公司于中国合资成立「常州宝利特机械制造有限公司」 The Joint Venture, Changzhou Polytex is established by Polytex AG and GOIN Interational. |
成为瑞士宝利特(Polytex)于中国与台湾之总代理,负责大中华地区之销售与售后服务 Become the exclusive agent of Polytex (Switzerland) |  
| 1998
随着大陆经济快速发展,于上海成立「常逸贸易有限公司」 GOIN International (ChangYi) Co., Ltd is established in Shanghai |
成为奥地利蓝精科技(Lenzing Technik)过滤器设备于台湾之总代理 Become the exclusive agent of Filter and Equipment of Lenzing Technik (Austria) in Taiwan |  
| 1989
成为美国防火测试仪器DEATAK(Govmark)之总代理 成为日本大荣仪器(DAIEI)于与台湾之代理 Become the exclusive agent of DEATAK(USA) and agent of DAIEI (Japan) in Taiwan |
成为英国Verivide对色灯之总代理 成为日本Shiki于台湾之代理 Become the exclusive agent of Verivide (UK) and agent of Shiki (Japan) in Taiwan |   |
| 1984
成为美国TESTFABRICS实验室耗材之总代理 Become the exclusive agent of TESTFABRICS (USA) in Taiwan |
成为瑞士TEXTEST精密机能性测试仪器于之总代理 Become the exclusive agent of TEXTEST (Switerland) in Taiwan |   |
| 1981
成为奥地利蓝精仪器(Lenzing Instruments)之总代理 Become the exclusive agent of Lenzing Instruments (Austria) in Taiwan |
于台北成立「高逸企业有限公司」,专营纺织品管检验仪器与耗材 GOIN International Co., Ltd is established in Taipei, a professional textile instrument and consumable material agent |
